Ogun State House of Assembly has passed a resolution requesting an investigation into the remote and immediate causes and possible solution to the damaged electric poles and the fallen telecommunication masts which led to black-out and loss properties around Sango-Ota, Itele and environs.

The passage of the resolution followed a motion moved the by the Majority Leader, Yusuf Sheriff, seconded by the Minority Leader, Adeleye Lukman and supported by other lawmakers at a plenary session held at the Assembly Complex, Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta.

Opening debate on the motion, the sponsor, Hon. Sheriff, informed the House that on the 21st of April, 2024, a rainstorm wreaked havoc in Sango-Ota, Ota, Itele, and environs, resulting in the destruction of properties worth millions of naira, including fallen electric poles and telecommunication masts, shattering cables, and damaging vehicles.

He added that the incident had affected the economic activities of the areas, plunging about forty (40) communities into darkness.

According to him, ” preliminary reports have revealed that the fallen and shattered poles were part of the newly erected electric poles by the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company in Sango-Ota, Ota to Itele, and it was discovered that the poles were substandard; tucked in shallow holes, and poorly fixed, rendering them incapable of withstanding rainstorms, especially during the peak period of June-July”

Other lawmakers including Musefiu Lamidi and Wahab Haruna noted that there was need for the Assembly to ensure the immediate removal of the remaining newly erected and installed electric poles and cables in affected areas by IBEDC to avert future occurrences and replace them with quality and standard ones.

They therefore sought the need to invite the Management Team of IBEDC, State Ministry of Urban and Physical Planning, to ascertain the cause of the fallen mast, with a view to preventing future occurrence.

Responding, the Speaker said the incident was a result of poor construction technique of the pole which needed to be investigated with a view to averting future occurrence.

Also at the plenary, the Speaker invited the Management Team of IBEDC, State Commissioner for Environment, his Works and Infrastructure counterpart, as well as that of Urban and Physical Planning, including the Director, State Emergency Management Agency to appear before the State lawmakers for an engagement on Tuesday, 14th May, 2024.